Middle &High School MINISTRIES

We desire to see our students treasuring, proclaiming, and growing in the gospel.

The Middle & High School Youth Group meets from 6:30-7:30 PM every Wednesday during the school year. Students meet in the youth room located in the basement. This night includes playing a fun game, singing, a message, and small group time. Sunday School follows each Sunday service.

We gather together to bring glory to God through 1) the preaching and teaching of his word; 2) small group fellowship and discipleship; and 3) singing praises to him because of the joy of our salvation. These activities happen in various ways throughout our Wednesday Night Youth Group and Sunday School.

We want to experience God in spirit and in truth. So, we do not over-emphasize cultural relevance, offer moralism as a way to earn favor with God, or preach theology divorced from application. The time we spend together serves to equip teens for Christian ministry, and specifically, for evangelism both locally and globally.

Upcoming Events

February 21-23

High School Silver Birch Retreat

2023 HS Faith Building Trip to Ravencrest Chalet in Estes PArk, CO

Hingham joins the other area churches for this week-long trip, happening every 4 years. It is an a amazing faith-building opportunity for the youth filled with fun activies like airsofting, paddle-boarding, hiking, mountain biking, archery, and rock climbing.

Watch the video below to see a recap of the 2023 High School Silver Birch Retreat!

HS Mission Trip in partnership with ReachGlobal to Lake Charles, Louisiana -July 2022